Listen To Your Inner Child


Covid-19 has affected each and everyone of us in innumerable ways. It feels as if our lives hit pause overnight and we’ve been reeling ever since. It’s been weird for me because I’m on the cusp of adulthood and I was just about to start my life in the “real” world, but now stuck in my childhood bedroom, reliving all of my angsty memories.

I find myself doing a lot of things I did as a kid: playing with makeup, playing dress up, and creating art (to name a few). Somedays I even wish that life won’t hit play, because who wants to be an adult when when the world feels like its falling apart.

I don’t think I’m the only one who feels like this. We all seem to be regressing to our former selves by participating in activities we once loved as children. My friends purchased a Nintendo Switch and have been playing games all-day long—seeing them talk about it makes me miss my Nintendo DS. When I scroll through social media I see us leaning towards fashions of the past, such as colorful and butterfly clips used to accessorize hair and beaded bracelets reminiscent of summer camp. People are getting crafty too; It seems like everyone has tie-dyed at least one piece of clothing during quarantine. We’ve been reconnecting with people we haven’t talked to in years online. I see people picking up old hobbies like skateboarding and playing guitar. I’ve been recreating makeup looks from Euphoria, that remind me of the days when I would stick on those gems from Claire’s on my face that were meant to be stick on earrings. It’s like we all want to be kids again.

And that’s ok. Children are more creative than adults and right now we want to mirror their energy. This is a time that we should all try to create something worthwhile. Remember, after the Bubonic Plague ravaged Europe, the Italian Renaissance was born.

I think to some extent escapism can be a good thing. The world is slowly going back to normal now as restrictions loosen and now we must decide what the world will look like after all this is over. We can’t go back to what it was and I’m not sure we know what’s waiting for us, but change is inevitable. Until then, keep listening to your inner child.

I created these looks to for some much needed escapism and I hope that all of you are creating too.