Fear of Failure

                       Fear is innate. The feeling is a response to the unknown, our lack of experience. Realizing why we fear something amounts to growth. You fear failure because of the value you assign it. Fear is often a response to lofty expectations and an inflated self-perception.

What you fear reveals what you desire. It is crucial to act on what you fear most. Fear can paralyze you, but that’s in your control. Always fight fear; your soul depends on it. Trials reveal our true power. Change triggers fear, but it leads to satisfaction. Happiness is found in the trenches. Go through obstacles, not around them.

Facing your fears exposes you to a different world. This new environment is not as soft and undemanding as the one left behind, but its exciting, fresh, and soul enriching. Pushing against the grain is a source of happiness. As failures stack, one can look back at the mountain of experience gained.

Failure is a powerful teacher, it reveals our strengths and weaknesses, it is the ultimate source of constructive feedback. If you approach failure with the right lens, there is always something to gain. If you submit to fear, you will stagnate. Eventually stagnation can encapsulate your existence, and you will avoid your true potential until death. Failure teaches us how to succeed.

Failure is painful. How you come to terms with that pain will determine how much you grow from the experience. You are never meant to be the person you become, you must fight tooth and nail to get there. When we fail our friends and family will coddle us and envelop us in our comfort zone. It is important to appreciate the support they offer, but we cannot fall victim to it. Your support system has its own perception of what you are supposed to be, and you cannot compromise on your dream to fit their view of your potential.

There will always be doubters, your internal dialogue is all that matters. The most powerful conversations are the ones you have with yourself. Your fears will override your abilities the moment you let self-doubt take over. Self-doubt is natural, but submitting to it is a choice.

Death is inevitable, remember this when the fear of failure threatens to hinder your growth. When you avoid failure you welcome depression and anxiety, and you waste time. Do not run from your potential. Embrace the dynamic nature of life and take a leap of faith.

“Failure is a stepping stone for future success.” - David Goggins

Image: Vogue Italia